AQUACENTRUM / Testimonials / Testimonial Aquila water ionizer

Testimonial Aquila water ionizer

Testimonial Aquila water ionizer

"Hello Mister. Akgun,

Today we have been using the “Aquila°” (Aquila water ionizer) for a few months. The acidic “waste” has also found its use as a drinking water purifier. We use this for cleaning (and disinfecting). For example, the engine block of my motorcycle was cleaned almost as well as with motorcycle cleaner. Other uses include replacement for aftershave and as an underarm deodorant.

The “good” part has become an integral part of our lives. During the familiarization phase with level I, the detoxifying effect was soon noticed in the improved metabolic efficiency. Today there is only level IV. Our food is cleaned more deeply and food and coffee taste more intense. Even the slightly lactic acid-like taste is missed when drinking other waters; These taste somehow bland and actually pointless. However, the amounts have become slightly higher (approx. 2…3 liters per day), as the feeling of being dehydrated arises much more quickly. It is also a very good feeling to be doing the best possible for yourself, your health and your future. Fighting free radicals and deacidification without the pharmaceutical industry!

Kind regards, Frank H.”

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