AQUACENTRUM / Testimonials / Experience report Kangen water ionizer – ORP comparison measurement Redox

Experience report Kangen water ionizer – ORP comparison measurement Redox

“Hello, Mr. Yasin!!!

I love the machine now. I have to tell you this quickly:

So yesterday a lady was with us who picked up the Kangen water ionizer. I had that at the same time as testing. Of course she tried to make the Allsbon bad for me.

So we did some tests:

So I was interested in the redox values ​​at level 4.

When I fully turned the dial to the right (i.e. to the highest flow), the Allbon reached a value of approx. -4 on level 350!!! Which is really great (the reading was around – 570).

And then:

Then I turned the regulator a bit to the left to lower the flow:

Then I reached a whopping redox value of -415 to -440!!!! (Display was around – 580) !!!

Even the lady from LeveLuk didn't know what to say anymore. With the Kangen LeveLuk I achieved a value of approx. -330 at the highest level!!! She also added the tea bag text and the water turned dark brown!!! And what I also think is great is that the settings on the Allsbon really correspond to the measured pH values. The acidic water even turned orange!!!

I would like to thank you once again for all your help and advice!…

Kind regards from J. Sabine!!!”

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