AQUACENTRUM / Testimonials
Aquavolta® H2 Inspirator 300 - H2 generator with 300 or 600 ml hydrogen gas yield frontal 1200

Experiences with Osmoveda H2, Turbo Booster & H2 Inspirator hydrogen inhaler

Experience report with the Osmoveda H2, H2 Turbo Booster and the H2 Inspirator hydrogen inhaler Hi Yasin, I wanted to give a little update on my experiences with the devices I purchased and I also have a few questions about it. 1.) I am super satisfied with the Osmoveda H2. The water tastes great and the drinking water test I did […]

Tesla experiment set for water revitalization - Lakhovsky multi-wave oscillator Celltuner water matrix

Testimonials Tesla Experiment Set | Water revitalization 150 MHz oscillator

Experience reports on the Tesla experiment set for water revitalization | 144 MHz & 150 MHz oscillator reviews up to 2020 Tesla 144 MHz oscillator | 7 hours of listening here or via Spotify: Click the button below to load the content from Load content Topic-related testimonials up to 2020 Tesla 144 MHz to listen to on Spotify, […]

CDL / CDS or chlorine dioxide with hydrogen water :-) , yes or should you take them separately (with a time delay)

Update CDL (CDS) | Chlorine dioxide | It's about increasing the O2 content in the blood and intestinal detox > Biofilm removal through CDL enema Downloads on the really simple and important topic: CDL, chlorine dioxide Jim Humble Verlag - Overview of MMS and CDL - Chlorine dioxide 60S web.pdf Health forbidden - Incurable was yesterday – Andreas Kalcker – Chlorine dioxide – CDL […]

yasin….you are an upstanding person

…yasin….you are an upright person…..who doesn’t hold back with his opinion…..I like that……you do your own thing…….I think that’s great…………must yes, be said. Estrich Meister Ludwig GmbH

after using H2 water + inhalation for several months

Experience reports after using H2 water + inhalation for several months [Aïcha] After several months with H2 water: On the skin, after several periods in which the skin of the legs peeled, it is now well moisturized, still a little flaky, but very easy. I notice the difference in my hands and my face: I no longer feel the need to […]

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