AQUACENTRUM / FAQ / > Reverse osmosis water and reverse osmosis systems / Conductance (ppm) of alkaline water has not changed

Conductance (ppm) of alkaline water has not changed

Yesterday I had a representative come and measure the water from my water ionizer. It actually has more ppm than tap water! I thought the filter took out all the pollutants!

Andrea G.: Yesterday I had a representative come and measure the water from my water ionizer. It actually has more ppm than tap water! I thought the filter took out all the pollutants! Now, the man says, there are even more and he advises me to get a reverse osmosis system.

• PPM means Parts Per Million. A conductivity meter is used to measure the number of all parts dissolved in the water. The conductance is often given in microsiemens. It says something about the quantity, not the quality, of water components. 5 ppm lead, mercury, uranium or cadmium can be catastrophic, but 1000 ppm calcium is perfect! Anyone who wants to assess the quality of water using a conductivity measurement is either completely ignorant or is purposefully telling untruths in order to benefit —> Reverse osmosis to advertise, which I will discuss elsewhere.

• Where does the increase in ppm come from even though the water is filtered before electrolysis and pollutants are thereby removed? Minerals from 2 liters of water collect in 1 liter of alkaline active water in the cathode chamber. In addition, some filters add —> Calcium added because it is good for us and the buffering of the activated water. That's why there are usually more ppm, but fewer pollutants, that can be measured in alkaline activated water.

• Last but not least, I have to point out that the conductance can only be used to measure electrolytes, i.e. ions in water, but not electrically neutral atoms.

• You should also keep in mind that the really bad pollutants such as lead, mercury or uranium, but also hormones and antibiotics, are harmful even in very minimal amounts. Heavy metals, for example, are measured in micrograms, while good metals such as calcium, magnesium or potassium are measured in milligrams, i.e. a thousand-fold order of magnitude. If filters remove ppm from the water, that doesn't mean that it's affecting “the bad guys”.

Excerpt from the book by Karl Heinz Asenbaum: “Electroactivated water – an invention with extraordinary potential. Water ionizers from A – Z”
Copyright 2016

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