The large H2 content test for mobile H2 generators in competition format through amusing & very informative H2 test videos
Hydrogen booster or mobile H2 water generator | What is important? KH Asenbaum explains
Hydrogen Nano Bubbles | Innovations in H2 water generators for producing H2 water
Summary H2 Booster Battle | Tips & Tricks | Hydrogen booster comparison test
What is a mobile H2 booster? Why test and compare hydrogen boosters?
The 14 H2 Booster test videos follow - the new winner, H2 turbo booster and you will see the 2 final videos as the first videos
You now have the option to watch each individual video or just watch the two final videos with parts 13 and 14.
The clear winner is this Aquavolta® H2 Turbo, which takes first place by far. After just five minutes of operation, it safely produces over 4 ppm H2 content, which is the same as the blue H2 test drops was tested. So he is the undisputed winner.
With this result, not only have all of our portable H2 generators become irrelevant, but also the other portable H2 generators in the world, most of which are not even pressure-resistant. The “Lord of Hydrogen” video shows the pressure resistance of the H2 Turbo Booster. Therefore you can save yourself the other videos.
A big thank you goes to Michi, who patiently shot and edited all the test videos over the last few months. It has to be said that the videos turned out to be extremely professional. Thank you very much, dear Michael! On that note, warm greetings from Yasin.
Rules of the game & preparation | Hydrogen Booster Test Series
Lord of Hydrogen: 10ppm molecularly dissolved H2 content | H2 Turbo
Test 13: 4 H2 booster comparison | Devices above 1,6 ppm | Part 1
Test 14: 4 H2 booster comparison | Devices above 1,6 ppm | Part 2
Test 1 | Susosu Plus / Augienb WH2 | Hydrogen booster tested with H2 test drops
Test 2: Aquavolta® Age 2 go 2.8 / No Name H2 Generator | H2 content testing with h2 test drops
Test 3: Aqua Living Paino / Hugaro H2 | H2 content testing with H2 drops
Test 4: Solco / NaARa Lo2 / No Name | H2 content testing with H2 test drops
Test 5: Age2 Go / No Name 2 / Envie H2 / Hebe | H2 content testing with blue H2 test drops
Test 6: KYK H2 Pocket / My Shintousui Bottle Q / Augienb | H2 testing with H2 test drops
Test 7: Hebe EGK-01 / Gosoit Hydrogen Booster | H2 content test with Jeudao H2 test drops
Test 8: H2 Life / Aquavolta Classic / Ayeah Booster | Hydrogen testing with H2 test drops
Test 9: Lourdes / Solco H2 Cap | H2 content testing with blue test drops
Test 10: Gosoit Jug / Hydrogen Water Bottle | H2 content tests with H2 test drops
Test 11: Aqua Perfect / Jeudao HWG / H2 Cap Plus | H2 testing using H2 test drops
Test 12: Aquavolta® Nano / No Name Booster | Hydrogen test with H2 test drops